Sarah Ho

portraits, weddings & engagements

Cover Image for Looking Back | Washington D.C.
Looking Back | Washington D.C.

October 2014

You know how sometimes when you return from your holiday, you get slightly depressed and you wished that your holiday didn't end so quickly. So one of the things that I refuse to do when I'm back home after a holiday is to look at the photos that I have taken. The thought of looking through them right after my holiday makes the reality of being back home and getting back to my routine more difficult to stomach. Yes, it's taken me this long to finally open up some of the files. So with this, I've decided to start a "Looking Back" series on the blog because after getting over the withdrawals (from your last holiday), it's nice to reminisce about the time you got lost in a foreign land, the time your jaw dropped looking across at the snowy mountains, or the time you met a local who was kind enough to share with you where to find the best [insert local food]. I look back at these photos and think to myself, you are so lucky to have had these memories and most importantly, to have created these memories with the people you love.

on the National Mall

the Lincoln Memorial

a war veteran visiting the National Mall

the Washington Monument

remnant of a Twin Tower that collapsed in September 2011

the Lincoln Memorial

outside the Newseum on Pennsylvania Ave.

the National Gallery of Art

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